Carlos Rodon is in New York now and his latest comments probably won’t be received fondly by the fanbase he played in front of last season.
While speaking to NJ.com, Rodon explained why he believes Yankees fans are more “invested” than Giants fans.
“The fans here want to win. They care. They care a lot,” Rodón said. “Giants fans are invested, but not like in New York.
“Win or lose, you’re not going to get booed in San Francisco.”
Interestingly, Rodon’s comments could be seen as more of an insult to East Coast fans than West Coast fans, considering that booing your own players isn’t exactly something that is seen from the outside as a positive.
New York is also known for being a town that is harder on players in general, not just with the fans but with the relatively unforgiving New York media.
Whether or not Rodon sees this greater investment as a positive is unclear, but if he gets booed off the mound after a few rough starts he may start missing the friendly confines of 3rd and King.