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Jim Harbaugh retracts criticism of Kaepernick’s protest



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Everyone is entitled to say their peace on Colin Kaepernick’s protest of the national anthem. That growing crowd now includes his former coach Jim Harbaugh.

Here’s what Harbaugh told the Michigan media on Monday.

Earlier this summer, Harbaugh wore a Kaepernick jersey at one of the satellite camps and has yet to say a negative word about his former quarterback. The pair will be tied together in the history books due to the success they had together in 2012 and 2013. The 49ers lost Super Bowl XLVII to the Baltimore Ravens 34-31 in February of 2013.

Kaepernick spoke with the media for nearly 19 minutes Sunday, defending his action and taking the conversation much further to include police brutality and other issues he thinks is plaguing America.

“There are things that have gone on in this country for years and years and have never been addressed, and they need to be,” the quarterback said.

He tried to explain his protest had nothing to do with the military, but the two issues are not mutually exclusive by judging reaction on social media.

Kaepernick hasn’t stood for the national anthem in any of the 49ers’ first three preseason games. He plans to continue his protest and will be joined by Eagles linebacker Myke Tavarres this Thursday.