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AUDIO: Kate Scott’s final 12 minutes on KNBR 680




As Kate Scott strolled through the 680 studios for her last 12 minutes of air time on KNBR 680, her long-time friend and coworker Brian Murphy blurted out, “Is this what you look like? You’re in our studio. I only look at you through two planes of glass!”

It’s been a fun six years for KNBR with Kate Scott as she’s contributed mightily to The Gary Radnich Show with Larry Krueger as well as Murph & Mac. As Murph put it, it’s been a wild ride for one of the Bay Area’s most well-known radio voices.

“Paulie it’s our last twelve minutes with Kate and what happened to Kate in her career here is, so many different things happened to her. We watched her hook up with the Pac-12 Network…we watched her get inducted into the Jewish Sports Hall of Fame. We’ve watched her become a pioneer in many ways in this industry.”

Here’s to you Kate, keep obtaining your dreams.